About This Chapter
No. of pages: 9
Chapter highlights:
1. The chapter has been reviewed by Central Statistics Office (CSO) official.
2. The chapter uses government-released authentic data to educate the reader.
3. The chapter covers -
- Concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) & Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP)
- GDP data release schedule
- GDP estimation by Production and Expenditure method
- GDP at constant prices and current prices
- Difference between Real and Nominal GDP
4. The chapter offers following sections -
- KNOWLEDGE providing information
- ? THOUGHT TRIGGERS to instigate lateral thinking
- ABBREVIATION/S of related key words
- FORMULA/E for use in Work Section or otherwise
- GLOSSARY of related terms
- KEY LINK/S for more detail & source of information
- WORK SECTION for self-practising
- ANSWERS of Work Section
- NOTES & COMMENTS to record key learning & analysis
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